etherlime deploy


etherlime deploy [file] [network] [secret] [-s] [compile] [runs] [output] [ethescanApiKey]


  • file - [Optional] By specifying --file you can use another

    file as long as you keep the structure of the file (exporting an

    async deploy function with network and secret params)

  • network - [Optional] By specifying --network you can specify

    the network param to be passed to your deploy method

  • secret - [Optional] By specifying secret you can specify the

    secret param to be passed to your deploy method. Comes in very handy

    for passing private keys.

  • -s - [Optional] Silent - silences the verbose errors

  • compile - [Optional] Enable compilation of the smart contracts

    before their deployment. By default the deployment is done with a


  • runs - [Optional] Enables the optimizer and runs it the

    specified number of times

  • output - [Optional] Defines the way that the logs are shown.

    Choices: none - silences the output of logs, normal - see

    verbose logs in the console and structured - structured output in

    a file meant for inter program communication.

  • ethescanApiKey - [Optional] You can pass Etherscan API KEY in order to use it in the deployment script for verifying smart contracts on Etherscan.

Running this command will deploy the file specified (defaults to ./deployment/deploy.js) The deployment process is verbose and gives you real-time info about the performed actions. In addition there is a report of the actions when the deployment finishes (as not all of us monitor the deployment process constantly):

Last updated

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