Migration from Truffle to Etherlime

Migration from Truffle to Etherlime

Install & Initialize Etherlime

npm i -g etherlime

Install the global etherlime to allow you to run etherlime commands.

etherlime init

The command will add to your project structure the following parts:

  • ./contracts/LimeFactory.sol

    • ./deployment/deploy.js

    • ./test/exampleTest.js

Note! These are added just to give you an example. You can remove them.

Write new scripts for deployment using the template provided

  • require etherlime module

  • require the compiled contract from ./build folder not the

    contract itself

with Truffle :

    const LimeFactory = artifacts.require("./LimeFactory.sol");

with Etherlime :

    const etherlime = require('etherlime-lib')
    const LimeFactory = require('../build/LimeFactory.json');
  • set the deployer and then deploy the contract

Local deployment with Etherlime :

    const etherlime = require('etherlime-lib')
    const LimeFactory = require('../build/LimeFactory.json');
    const InterfaceFactory = require('../build/InterfaceFactory.json')

    const deployer = new etherlime.EtherlimeGanacheDeployer();
    const limeFactory = await deployer.deploy(LimeFactory);

    //example how to wrap deployed contract and to pass its address
    const contractInstance = await etherlime.ContractAt(InterfaceFactory,

Find more examples for deployment here.

Modify tests

In order to modify the tests from Truffle to Etherlime, slight changes are needed to be done:

with Truffle :

    const LimeFactory = artifacts.require("./LimeFactory.sol");

    contract('LimeFactory tests', async (accounts) => {

        let owner = accounts[0];

        beforeEach(async function() {
            limeFactory = await LimeFactory.new();

        it('should do something', () => {


with Etherlime :

    // step1: require Etherlime module
    const etherlime = require('etherlime-lib')

    // step2: require compiled contract from ./build,
    // not the .sol file (as in deployment scripts)
    const LimeFactory = require('../build/LimeFactory.json')

    // step4: replace 'contract' descriptor to 'describe', 
    // then remove (accounts) param in async function 
    describe('LimeFactory tests', async () => {

        // step5: initialize account
        let owner = accounts[0];

        // step6: set the deployer in before/beforeEach
        // and fix the deployment scripts as we did before
        beforeEach(async function() {

            deployer = new etherlime.EtherlimeGanacheDeployer(owner.secretKey);
            limeFactory = await deployer.deploy(LimeFactory);


        it('should do something', () => {

# Flexibility
  • **in case you want to use an address of an account, you must extend

    it to** let owner = accounts[0].signer.address

  • **when a contract’s method is called, the default sender is set to

    accounts[0]. If you want to execute it from another account,

    replace** {from: anotherAccount} object with


with Truffle :

    await limeFactory.createLime(newLime' 0, 10, 12, {from: accounts[1]})

with Etherlime :

    await limeFactory.from(2).createLime('newLime' 0, 10, 12);

    // as a param you may also use:
    await limeFactory.from(accounts[1]).createLime('newLime' 0, 10, 12);
    await limeFactory.from(accounts[1].signer).createLime('newLime' 0, 10, 12);
    await limeFactory.from(accounts[1].signer.address).createLime('newLime' 0, 10, 12);
    await limeFactory.from(customSigner).createLime('newLime' 0, 10, 12);
  • **when you need to execute payable function, pass the value as an

    object** contract.somePayableFunction(arg1, arg2, {value: 100})

  • don't use “.call” when calling view functions.

  • to timeTravel - replace web3 increaseTime with global options

    utils.timeTravel(provider, seconds)

Assertions and available utils

For more convenience Etherlime provides some additional assertions and global utils object:

assert it is an address :

    it('should be valid address', async () => {
        assert.isAddress(limeFactory.contractAddress, "The contract was not deployed");

assert a function revert :

    it('should revert if try to create lime with 0 carbohydrates', async () => {
        let carbohydrates = 0;
        await assert.revert(limeFactoryInstance.createLime("newLime2", carbohydrates, 8, 2),
            "Carbohydrates are not set to 0");

test an event

with Truffle:

    let expectedEvent = 'FreshLime';
    let result = await limeFactory.createLime('newLime' 8, 10, 12);
    assert.lengthOf(result.logs, 1, "There should be 1 event emitted from new product!");
    assert.strictEqual(result.logs[0].event, expectedEvent,
         `The event emitted was ${result.logs[0].event} instead of ${expectedEvent}`);

with Etherlime

    let expectedEvent = 'FreshLime'
    let transaction = await limeFactory.createLime('newLime' 8, 10, 12);
    const transactionReceipt = await limeFactory.verboseWaitForTransaction(transaction)

    // check the transaction has such an event
    let isEmitted = utils.hasEvent(transactionReceipt, LimeFactory, expectedEvent);
    assert(isEmitted, 'Event FreshLime was not emitted');

    // parse logs
    let logs = utils.parseLogs(transactionReceipt, LimeFactory, expectedEvent);
    assert.equal(logs[0].name, 'newLime, "LimeFactory" with name "newLime" was not created');

Find more test examples here.

Final steps:

  • delete ./migrations folder

  • delete truffle.js/truffle-config.js file

  • delete truffle from package.json

  • delete node_modules

  • run npm install

  • open a fresh terminal tab and enter etherlime ganache

  • run etherlime test

Last updated

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