etherlime utils
On your disposal there is a global available utils object. Here are the methods it exposes:
utils.timeTravel(provider, seconds)
method allowing etherlimeganache to move
ahead. You need to pass your providerfrom the EtherlimeGanacheDeployer
utils.setTimeTo(provider, timestamp)
method allowing etherlimeganache to move to the desired
ahead. You need to passyour provider from the EtherlimeGanacheDeployer
method telling the etherlime ganacheto mine the next block. You need to pass your provider from the
utils.hasEvent(receipt, contract, eventName)
allowing the userto check if the desired event was broadcasted in the transaction
receipt. You need to pass the Transaction receipt, the contract
that emits it and the name of the Event.
utils.parseLogs(receipt, contract, eventName)
allowing the userget parsed events from a transaction receipt. You need to pass the
Transaction receipt, the contract that emits it and the name of
the Event. Always returns an event.
You can read more about how to use utils here: etherlime test
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